Weight Loss/Gain is a Function of Calorie Intake

Health is based on Nutrient Intake

Other than these 2 facts, personal nutrition is largely down to an individual, be it nutrient timing, amount of carbs, finances, time constraints etc.

‘HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN FLEXIBLE DIET’ gives you all the tools you need to lose weight responsibly and keep it off forever.
  • No generic meal plans
  • No one-size-fits-all calorie targets
  • No HITT training at 6 in the morning
  • Carbs ARE allowed after 6pm
  • No mindless restrictions
For only £10, my downloadable book will give you the tools and knowledge to create your own diet, make all the right decisions and achieve amazing results forever, far outlasting any generic diet plan.



ICN Private YouTube Page

For only a further £5.99 a month, you would gain access to my private YouTube Videos page. Throughout lockdown (and previously), I have a huge collection of Shape Up content for you to access whenever you wish.

  • Home and gym workout sessions and ideas.
  • Mobility ideas and sessions
  • Education on all things nutrition related, including busting all these crazy nutrition myths out there.
  • Input from guest Ninjas
  • Complete access to videos only available for each individual Shape Up.

Payment would be taken via paypal recurring every month.

For only £5.99 you can save yourself far more through enhanced knowledge and ideas.


