I am very grateful and proud to say that my Ice Cream Ninja business is now 3 years old. Hours of sitting at my laptop and phone writing up plans
Do I Let My Children Eat Fast Food?
“Yes, absolutely” was my response. I have just been asked this question during one of my weekly nutrition classes. I think the group were maybe a bit surprised at this
Sometimes Life Gets In The Way
I have put on weight recently! I don’t even need the scales to tell me that, plenty of people are happy to inform me that my belly is showing more
The Dinner Table
That’s all it is, a dinner table. And yet it has the potential to be the most important area of overall health in the household. More than that treadmill in
‘Liam, what would you like for your supper pal?’ ‘I want a banana daddy’ ‘No you don’t, you told me you don’t like bananas’ ‘I do, I really want a
Summer Holiday Balance
That’s me off on my summer holiday, as I’m sure many of you are at this time of year. All inclusive, fancy hotel and pool. Sadly it is possibly also
Bin The Quick Fix
The number of people who I speak to on a weekly basis who are looking for that quick fix or magic diet is unbelievable. Instead of investing in our health
The Slim Mummy
‘Why?’ This is always the first question I ask when queried the quickest way to lose weight after having a baby. A family member did it to me yesterday, 6
Be Responsible With Your Goals
– I will start Monday – My new plan means I am avoiding XYZ foods – I am going to go to the gym 4-5 times a week – This
You Have To Move
“It’s getting harder to keep the weight off into my 30s and 40s, my metabolism’s slowing down.” Is it? And if it is, why is it. How about you aren’t